Here is a look at the different missionaries we support around the world. They are listed in alphabetical order.
Honoré & Kim
Serving in Togo
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Tony & Kristy Applegate
Serving in Uganda
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Tim & Roseanne
Serving in the bahamas
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Josh & Erica
Serving in Malta
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Terry & Jane Carruthers
Serving in Manitoba
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Kyle & Natalie
serving in japan
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Craig & Leanna Comstock
Serving in New Zealand
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Mike & Elva Farrell
Retired from Missionary Service in France
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Dan & Karyn
Serving in South Africa
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Herb & Janet
Serving in South Africa
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ellis & jillian
Serving in bolivia
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Dave& Julie
Serving in South Africa
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Joel & Jodi
Serving in Germany
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Lynn silvernale
RETIRED FROM bible translation IN bangladesh
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Junior & Abby
serving in mozambique
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Joel & Joan Troester
Retired from Missionary Service in mozambique
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Glen & Jennifer Weeks
Retired from International Evangelism
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